Our Leadership and Governance

ACTRA Toronto is an independent branch or local union of ACTRA, the Alliance of Cinema, Television and Radio Artists. It is governed by a COUNCIL of elected members of the union with the support of union staff, in accordance with the ACTRA Toronto By-Laws  and with the ACTRA National Constitution and ACTRA National By-Laws.


ACTRA Toronto Council is composed of twenty-four (24) members in good standing of ACTRA Toronto, elected every two years by all full members as described in Article 5, of the ACTRA Toronto By-Laws.

ACTRA Toronto’s governing council of twenty-four performers acts as a board of directors, making the policies by which ACTRA Toronto is run.

Officers of Council

The officers of ACTRA Toronto Council consist of: the President; the immediate Past President; the Treasurer; up to five other officers, who may be given such titles and functions as ACTRA Toronto Council may determine; and the Executive Director, who is an officer of ACTRA Toronto Council with voice but without vote. The officers of ACTRA Toronto Council are commonly referred to collectively as the ACTRA Toronto Executive.

Officers other than the President and the Executive Director are named by ACTRA Toronto Council for two-year terms at the first meeting of a newly-elected Council, once it is in office. (ACTRA Toronto Council’s delegates to ACTRA national council are also named for two-year terms at this meeting).

Election of the ACTRA Toronto President

The ACTRA Toronto President is the Chair of the ACTRA Toronto Council and is elected by that body every alternate year to the Council election year. The ACTRA Toronto By-Laws designate the President as the official spokesperson for ACTRA Toronto.

Current ACTRA Toronto President

David Gale was elected President of ACTRA Toronto on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 for a two-year term, in accordance with the ACTRA Toronto By-laws.

David Gale is a Gemini and Galaxi award-winning performer with four decades of experience and his union leadership credentials are equally stellar. Gale has served for 13 years as ACTRA Toronto’s Vice President, Communications. He has chaired the union’s Conference Committee, published the Performers suite of magazines, served as exec liaison for the Young Emerging Actors Assembly (YEAA), ACTRA Toronto’s senior members’ Act Your Age (AYA) committee and, proudly helped establish outACTRAto, ACTRA Toronto’s first queer committee. Gale also sits on the Executive of ACTRA National and, in 2019, as co-chair of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, helped usher in a more equitable governance for our National Union. Email David

How Council Works

It is the practice of ACTRA Toronto Council to meet monthly, except for one month in the summer. Council must meet once every three months. Quorum for regular business is 12 members or alternates present.

Many Councillors also serve the members through ACTRA Toronto committees which address issues of interest to members.

The ACTRA Toronto Councillor Handbook

ACTRA Toronto Councillors are careful custodians of our union’s history, faithful stewards of our union’s resources, fearless champions of our union’s interests and inspired pathfinders to our union’s future.

It’s a big job!

Fortunately, the ACTRA Toronto Councillor Handbook helps new Councillors understand what Council does and how it operates so that they can take their place at the Council table with confidence and a solid understanding of their role and its responsibilities.


What’s Council Doing Right Now?

There are several ways to keep informed about what your Council is doing:

  • Watch your email inbox for communications from ACTRA Toronto with news and updates about what your union is doing.
  • Read ACTRA Toronto Council Meeting minutes online.
  • Council reports regularly to members in person through plenary sessions at Members’ Conferences
  • Town hall meetings are called at key points to seek member input.
  • You are invited to view ACTRA Toronto’s Operating Plan for details on ACTRA Toronto’s directions for the year.

Get Involved!

To reach any Council member, or to speak with an ACTRA Toronto staff member, dial our main switchboard at (416) 928-2278 or call us toll-free at 1-877-913-2278.

Contact a member of a committee if you are an Apprentice member, Full member or ACTRA Additional Background Performer who would like to contribute to your profession by becoming more directly involved in ACTRA’s activities and governance.

Your energy and enthusiasm are welcome!