Eligibility Details
About the ACTRA Awards in Toronto
The ACTRA Awards celebrate outstanding performances by ACTRA Toronto members. The Awards are an opportunity to applaud the artistic achievements of our peers, who include some of Canada’s most gifted performers.
Outstanding Performance Awards
Any Toronto member in good standing (Full, Apprentice, ACTRA Additional Background) can self-submit or submit any member’s work for consideration in one of these four categories:
- Outstanding Performance – Gender Non-Conforming or Male
- Outstanding Performance – Gender Non-Conforming or Female
- Outstanding Performance – Gender Non-Conforming or Male Voice
- Outstanding Performance – Gender Non-Conforming or Female Voice
Submissions in each category must meet the following criteria:
- Performances can only be submitted by ACTRA Toronto members whose membership status is in good standing. (Suspended, Resigned or Withdrawn members can’t make submissions.)
- The performance must be by an ACTRA Toronto member in good standing.
- The performance must be in a Principal (lead or significant supporting) role.
- The nominated performance must be from an ACTRA-signatory production – domestic or international, and in any format.
- The eligibility period runs from November 1 to October 31st. Productions must have had their first exhibition or broadcast within the eligibility period.
- The deadline for submissions is October 31st: submitted performances are then considered by a jury of peers for nomination with the Awards to be presented the following year.
A shortlist of award nominees is decided by a nominating jury of members. Winners are also chosen by a, sometimes, separate jury of members. More on How It Works. If you have any further questions about the submission process, please contact us.
ACTRA Toronto’s Award of Excellence
In addition to the four Outstanding Performance awards, ACTRA Toronto presents the annual Award of Excellence. The ACTRA Toronto Award of Excellence recognizes a distinguished ACTRA Toronto performer whose outstanding career achievements as a performer are matched by a significant volunteer contribution to the industry and ongoing work of ACTRA Toronto to improve the lives of its members. The recipient of the Award of Excellence is selected by the executive and governing council of ACTRA Toronto.
Members’ Choice Series Ensemble Award
The Series Ensemble Award shines a spotlight on great Canadian ensembles and is one way we’re promoting and celebrating pride in Canadian shows — shows spoken in our voice, telling our stories. Series Ensemble Award nominees and winners are selected by ACTRA Toronto members in two online votes.
Eligible shows are ACTRA Toronto Canadian Content live-action series that were first broadcast (on television or online) in the previous calendar year. At least four of the top five cast members are Canadian and appear in the majority of episodes. The eligible shows are assembled by staff based on the production information ACTRA Toronto has on file. If a show you would like to be considered was filmed 14+ months prior to its first broadcast date, please E-mail jmcgibbon@actratoronto.com before January 10 to ensure it is considered in the list of eligible shows for that year’s Members’ Choice Series Ensemble vote. Please note, all shows will be considered but only those that meet all eligibility criteria will be included in the vote.